What are the benefits for a Pre-registration:

All visitors who pre-register for APEX Cairo 2020 will enjoy the following benefits:

1 - WHAT is the nature of your bussniess ?

ما هو النشاط الرئيسى لشركتك

2 - How did you know about our show ?

كيف تعرفت على المعرض؟

Please write the code that is on your invitation ( applicable only to those possess an invitation)...

In the future....

في المستقبل : -

We may wish to contact you about future events, please check one of the boxes to let us know if you would like to recive any future communication from us

قد ترغب في الاتصال بك بشان المعارض المستقبلية. يرجى إختيار أحدد من المربعات التالية إذا كنت ترغب في تلقي أي إتصال في المستقبل من قبلنا.

thank you for compelting the visitor registiration form. please procees to the onsite Registration